Lucky Charms

Lucky Charms

April 18, 2020

Who doesn’t like Lucky Charms cereal? But there is a correct process to eat a bowl. I have been enjoying this “highly nutritious” breakfast delicacy since I was beating spoons and spilling milk in my high-chair!

I know I am not alone in my precise methodology of attacking a bowl:

Soak in the milk a few minutes to soften them up.
Eat first the “hard-wheat” cereal (not sure that’s wheat) while attempting to render the spoon free of any attached “charms”
Enjoy LARGE spoonfuls of marsh-mellow charms.
Drink the milk.


Now that’s a Breakfast of Champions!

We can also “taste” the goodness of Christ.

Taste and see that the Lord is good;

Psalm 34:8

We are able to taste His goodness thru the reading of His word. The more we read, the more we memorize, the more goodness we find.

Then …we will have the “aroma” of Christ.

For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

2-Corinthians 2:15




Am I spending enough time with Him in prayer and the “tasting” of His word?

Do I give off His “aroma” so that all non-believers see Christ in me?

As Christ followers, we have an opportunity to display his goodness by how we treat others, our words, our actions and how we are spending our time.


He is a better Lucky Charm!

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