Category: Family

Behind Every Man….

Behind Every Man….Is an AMAZING Wife! I have no hard data, nor do I care or need to research it. But I am going with my “gut instinct” and say that 99% of all successful men, have a strong woman at their side or behind them pushing! We love to throw around the “#blessed, #favored, […]
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#BestEasterEver April12, 2020 Easter! Bunnies, bright colored Easter eggs, shiny new shoes and new outfits. Egg hunts, marsh-mellow bunnies, large family dinners…oh yea, almost forgot…Jesus! Eas·ter /ˈēstər/ noun noun: Easter; plural noun: Easters the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) […]
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Sharpen Your Axe

“Sharpen Your Axe” March 29, 2020 The current “Corona-Crisis” has most everyone filled with anxiety, confusion, anger and for many, severe depression.  How can we turn this seemingly endless barrage of negative news and dire personal and economic projections into courage and confidence? My favorite verse of all time (especially when the waves are crashing […]
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J.W. Oliver Jr – Profile

J.W. Oliver was born in France the son of a proud, hard-working Air Force Master Sergeant North Carolinian and a Texan mother who raised 4 kids and taught us to love Jesus above all. Spent most of his life in Texas, where he and his wife married in 1994 and raised two children who both […]
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