Sharpen Your Axe

“Sharpen Your Axe”

March 29, 2020

The current “Corona-Crisis” has most everyone filled with anxiety, confusion, anger and for many, severe depression.  How can we turn this seemingly endless barrage of negative news and dire personal and economic projections into courage and confidence?

My favorite verse of all time (especially when the waves are crashing in).

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

James 1:2-3

God is teaching us in every situation. Currently, what most of us have to our advantage is more time. Time to think, reflect, plan and pray. My friend recently reminded me of the old adage, “Sharpen Your Axe”.

We are all living busy, over-loaded, stressed, digital, media infused lives. You now have an opportunity to evaluate the road ahead. To plan and “call an audible” in your current game strategy. Here are five steps during the next few weeks to “Sharpen Your Axe”.

Keep on your schedule.

If you are an early riser, stay on schedule. Get up, exercise, shower, get dressed, put on your makeup and comb your hair. Take pride in yourself regardless of the situation. Impress your spouse/kids.

Limit your media intake.

Reduce/limit the amount of TV and media you are engulfed in. Get the FACTS, then move on. Read more. Take an online course. Learn a language.

Focus on what you control.

It is proven that 98% of what we worry over or have a fear of, either will never happen or you have ZERO control over. Focus on what you can control.

Plan/Set Goals

Surveys prove that less than 5% of people set written, measurable goals. Don’t complicate it. Have 2-3 objectives in a few categories.

Consider: Faith, Family, Health, Career, and Fun.


Give thanks first for the many blessings we have been given as individuals and a country. Start simple with food, shelter, clothing. Pray for your family, community, country and world.

I love this Bible verse. One my kids can still recite from early on:

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances

I-Thessalonians 5:16-17

It doesn’t say rejoice only when things go your way, but “In all Circumstances”. We are currently on one of the those “circumstances.”

As I was “sharpening my axe”, It came to me while listening to a really cool gospel worship song this morning, called “Holy Water”.


I want to live a less complicated, busy life. One that leaves more time for my wife/family/ministries/others.


That I leave a legacy for my wife and children and my future grandchildren. One that displays my love for people and for Jesus. One they can proudly say “That’s My Dad.”


I will never apologize for whom I serve, or who is the center of my life.


Don’t delay, don’t waste another minute.

Sharpen Your Axe!

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