Behind Every Man….

Behind Every Man….Is an AMAZING Wife!

I have no hard data, nor do I care or need to research it. But I am going with my “gut instinct”
and say that 99% of all successful men, have a strong woman at their side or behind them

We love to throw around the “#blessed, #favored, #luckyme” …but WOW, I won the lottery. I
could not have dreamed of having a better wife and best friend to support me in my career,
travels, health goals, financial goals, and most importantly my walk with Jesus. (#blessed)

As we approach 29 years or marriage, I must reflect that it has not been all “rainbows and
unicorns”, but it has been an enjoyable ride and I look forward to the next 30! What makes her
special? Well, besides being drop dead gorgeous, she is my rock. We have had a lifestyle that
for years has enabled for us to travel. We have been all over the USA, but spent months away in
places like Zimbabwe, Seychelles, Italy, the UK, Costa Rica, Hawaii, and more. We routinely
cross multiple time zones thus creating “odd times” when I must work. When in Hawaii, its
often up at 300am to catch up, but it gives us the afternoon together. When in places like the
Seychelles or Africa where the 7–10-hour difference looms, we spend our days enjoying the
beaches, sight-seeing, breakfast and lunches with friends and family, followed by a 5:00pm start
to the workday. Lori has never complained, never said “why”, has always been patient,
understanding and supportive of the life we chose and the crazy work hours and phones calls
that change the course of our day.

Her unwavering support has allowed us to achieve travel, financial, health family, and our
“Kingdom-Minded” goals that we could never have achieved without her constant
encouragement. (try telling your wife that your company is going to give away 51% of all profits
to Christian Ministries and see if you get the OK…mine cheerfully agreed) Now if you know my
wife, she is not a “Rah-Rah” type, but her smile and a simple “ok” is all I need to know I have
her approval. She is my greatest supporter!

We have been blessed with a business in Zimbabwe that allows us to travel. Awesome kids who
grew up fast and have been self-reliant. Amazing women in my life also include my Mom, three
sisters, awesome aunts, and “Grandma Tootsie” who were always cheering me on!
I have recently thought about what I can do consistently to show my wife how much I
appreciate, need and love her;

  • Pray “with” her 3x a week
  • Pray “for” her Daily
  • Encourage her in achieving her dreams and goals
  • Keep myself physically fit and healthy
  • Provide Acts of Service and Gifts (Her “Love Languages” from Chapman’s Book)
  • Hug her and verbalise how much I love and appreciate her every day

I always told my wife she can leave me anytime…But I am going with her!

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