Author: admin

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Dream Team

Surrounding yourself with the right friends and business associates is key to running a successful business and running your life! In my personal life, I strive to have my inner circle consist of those who mirror the image of the characteristics of who and what I strive to attain in life. The “FAB 5” traits […]
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Trip #3 Travel Almanac 2020 Crested Butte, Colorado

Family Trip! January 20-23 I made a commitment to spend the day with family members on their birthdays. First Up, Wade Oliver. Our #1 son. He moved to Crested Butte in Mid-October for a 6 month “sabbatical” (Ski Bum) So I packed up the rest of the Family (Lori, Peyton…and Yes, Chip our dog) and […]
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Trip #2 Travel Almanac 2020 Des Moines, Iowa

Trip #2 Travel Des Moines, Iowa A quick one-day trip to Des Moines on January 13th! First time ever been here. Nice Airport, Great People and Cold. I always wonder why people settle in different locations in the USA. Cold, Hot, Mountains, Beaches, Etc… Guess it’s why we God made vanilla and chocolate ice cream. […]
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Trip #1 Travel Almanac 2020 Gonzales, Texas

My first trip of the year was to officiate my first wedding! Reverend Oliver! What an honor to be asked by Sheldon Neuse to do this. I was stunned. My wife and I traveled to Gonzales, Texas from Jan 09-12. Had a quick stop for the night in Austin for a business dinner, then on […]
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Life Favors the Prepared

Life Favors the Prepared There is a saying in the east that “Luck favors the prepared mind.” I Prefer; “Life favors the prepared” In my “quest” to climb to Everest Base Camp (EBC) starting on March 23, 2020, there is an understanding that being prepared is essential. Being able to hike/climb the 80 miles takes […]
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Air is thin at the TOP

Everest…It’s like Prince, Elvis or Trump, everyone knows the name. 29,029 feet or 8,848 meters above sea level. That’s 5+ miles above the majestic sand and sea of a warm Caribbean beach. Where you grapple with the thin air that has 33% of the oxygen levels versus sea level. Where recorded winds have exceeded 175mph […]
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Getting in your REPS!

I have read numerous articles, toyed with various acronyms, and never found a fit. However, after reading Sharma’s book “The 5am Club”, my own personalized acronym was “birthed”. REPS R = Rise Early E = Exercise P = Pray S = Strategize for the day I agree with the research that if you will do […]
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No Talent Required

These are all great and valuable, but here are 10 things that will advance you FAR MORE than any degree or certification. They require no talent, only drive, determination and perseverance. Anyone can master them and be an employer’s DREAM! You will gain the respect of your boss and the admiration (or despise) of your […]
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Global and Mobile!

Set goals. Make plans. Live life. Love Jesus. In today’s global and mobile economy, you can live where you want, travel where you choose, take in the beauty of this world, and still perform your daily work responsibilities. With the advent of mobile technology, outsourcing, flexible work environments, proper planning and selection of careers, one […]
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Pura Vida is REAL!

The longer we are here we realize the “Ticos” truly live out the PURA VIDA lifestyle. They are overtly friendly, helpful, and of course…laid back! We are anxious to see more of the country and the people, but the first impression is the REAL DEAL!
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