Air is thin at the TOP

Everest…It’s like Prince, Elvis or Trump, everyone knows the name.

29,029 feet or 8,848 meters above sea level. That’s 5+ miles above the majestic sand and sea of a warm Caribbean beach. Where you grapple with the thin air that has 33% of the oxygen levels versus sea level. Where recorded winds have exceeded 175mph at the summit. (Think CAT 5 hurricane) It is one of “THE” seven summits of the world. One of only 14 Summits over 8,000 meters (26,242+ ft). Above 8K meters is referred to as “the dead zone” where your body is actually beginning to die.

First summited in 1953, it has become an icon for thrill seekers and hardcore climbers. In the local language they refer to it as “Sagarmatha”, or Goddess of the sky. Over 300 have died trying to summit, or 3.2% of all climbers who attempt the feat. Kami Rita Sherpa holds the record with 24 summits, with the last two coming in 2019.

The mountains are just an awesome display of God’s creation, and of man’s never ceasing desire to conquer them. Including me! No not 29K, but EBC.

On March 23, 2020 myself and seven friends will begin the ascent to EBC, Everest Base Camp.

EBC sits at 17,600+ feet. It is the HQ for all Everest summit ascents. It is 130 km or 80 miles of hiking over 11 days. Seven days up and three days down. We will reach the summit (EBC summit that is) on my 55th birthday, March 31.

Written goals in the USA is reported at less than 3% with less than 1% reviewing them daily. What is it that you desire? Spiritual, financial, marital, or adventurous accomplishments? Do you desire to improve your health, fitness or education levels? Maybe you want to GO BIG and conquer a mountain or a skillset? Maybe you want to start your own business or work for your dream company. What about that BIG trip you always have wanted to take your family on? Or maybe you just want to ask out that cute girl who sits next to you in algebra.

Whatever it is, write it down. Read it every day. Think about it. Pray about it. Then get off your comfy couch and GO FOR IT. Time waits for now one. Get started today. What are you waiting for? Get out your pen and paper!

The air is thin at the top…so are those who set and reach Goals!

“Every man surely dies, but not every man truly lives”

From the immortal words of William Wallace;

J.W. Oliver is a Co-Founder and Managing Partner for based in Texas with a BP center in Africa. They are a Christian based business with a desire to help business and ministries be their very best while helping support others globally.

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